
Trends Hierarchy

Decoding Trends , A multi layered approach


Understanding trends requires looking at the bigger picture. Here’s a breakdown of the different layers that make up a trend:

  • Macro Trends/Forces: Think of these as the foundation. They’re the long-lasting, large-scale shifts happening across society, technology, the economy, environment, and politics. These trends play out over years or even decades, shaping the overall landscape.
  • Mega-Trends: These are the key areas where macro-trends and our basic human needs collide. Imagine them as the points of tension. For example, the macro-trend of urbanization creates a tension with our need for connection, leading to a mega-trend of “community in a digital age.”
  • Sub-Trends: Finally, we have sub-trends. These are the sparks of innovation that emerge from the tension points of mega-trends. They represent actionable insights, highlighting specific opportunities and solutions that address both our evolving needs and the current macro environment. Think of them as the “what now” based on the “what’s happening” of mega-trends.

By understanding this hierarchy, we can gain a deeper understanding of how trends develop and how they can be leveraged for success.